Curriculum Vitae

This isn't, strictly speaking, a proper CV format, but it's intended to serve the same purpose: providing information about my educational and professional background.


I have taken a tenure-track position in the Physics Department at Union College in Schenectady, NY. I'm now an Assistant Professor. I plan to set up a lab to do research on ultra-cold collisions in metastable rare gases. More about that will be posted at some later date. Information on my Teaching is available from Union (some of these links may have access restricted to the campus network).




Articles are available on-line at the Physical Review Letters and Physical Review A websites. (NOTE: A username and password may be required to access full-text articles on these sites.)

Invited Talks

A list of invited talks I have given at conferences and universities, with Web links, where available.

Last modified: 17 April, 2002