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Uncertain Principles

Physics, Politics, Pop Culture

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Pop-Culture conundrum

John Hiatt has a new-ish album, Master of Disaster. The chorus of the title track goes:

The Master of Disaster
Gets tangled in his Telecaster
He can't play it any faster
When he plays the blues.

The signature riff for this song is played on a saxophone.

(I bought the album after seeing the concert I mentioned earlier, just before leaving town last week. I had originally planned to write a long post about it, but I don't feel like it now. A damning-with-faint-praise summation would be to say that it was a very professional show, though I enjoyed it more than that sounds like. Also, the Dickinson brothers of the North Mississippi All-Stars look like a couple of math grad students...)

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