Robb, J.D.: (13) Seduction in Death

I’ve actually finished two novels since I last updated this, but one of them was part of a three-novel omnibus, so I’ll wait until I’ve finished the whole thing to comment on it.

So last night I read Seduction in Death by J.D. Robb, the new Eve/Roarke novel (as opposed to the new story that I read a few days ago). This is more in the police procedural mode than the mystery mode, as we’re introduced to the killer pretty early on. I read it straight through and was, again, entertained and amused. Just once, though, I’d like to see Eve go up against a killer who pushes all her buttons in the other direction; instead of sexual homicides by men, multiple sexual homicides by a woman, say, who’s clearly psycho, but is targeting only rapists, child molesters, and abusers. Would be kind of an interesting change.

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