Curriculum Vitae
This isn't, strictly speaking, a proper CV format, but it's intended to serve the same purpose: providing information about my educational and professional background.
I have taken a tenure-track position in the Physics Department at Union College in Schenectady, NY. I'm now an Assistant Professor. I plan to set up a lab to do research on ultra-cold collisions in metastable rare gases. More about that will be posted at some later date. Information on my Teaching is available from Union (some of these links may have access restricted to the campus network).
- From 1999-2001, I was a Postdoctoral Associate in the Physics Department at Yale University, studying Bose-Einstein Condensation (BEC) in the group of Mark Kasevich. Some BEC resources:
- The BEC Tutorial provided by JILA and the University of Colorado is a hoot.
- The BEC Homepage maintained by Mark Edwards at Georgia Southern University provides a comprehensive list of BEC reports, references, and useful links.
- Recent work in the group was published in Science Magazine (see citation below). Some general explanations of the experiment may be found on-line:
- A Press Release from the Yale Office of Public Affairs, and an article from a campus publication (these are largely identical).
- A very nice article in Physics World magazine describing recent work at Yale, as well as some new BEC results in France and at MIT.
- A similar general article in Science, which requires a subscription for full access. The content is essentially the same as the Physics World piece, which is free.
- My PhD thesis research was carried out in the Laser Cooling Group at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, Maryland, studying ionizing collisions in samples of laser-cooled metastable xenon.
- In 1998 I spent three months studying ionizing collisions in metastable neon in the lab of Dr. Fujio Shimizu at the Institute for Laser Science at the University of Electro-Communications just outside Tokyo, Japan. (NOTE: Much of the content of these links is in Japanese, and may not display properly in English-language browsers.)
Articles are available on-line at the Physical Review Letters and Physical Review A websites. (NOTE: A username and password may be required to access full-text articles on these sites.)
- Squeezed States in a Bose-Einstein Condensate, C. Orzel, A. K. Tuchman, M. L. Fenselau, M. Yasuda, and M. A. Kasevich, Science 291, 2386 (2001).
- Creation of an Ultracold Neutral Plasma, T. C. Killian, S. Kulin, S. D. Bergeson, L. A. Orozco, C. Orzel, and S. L. Rolston, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 4776 (1999).
- Spin polarization and quantum statistical effects in ultracold ionizing collisions, C. Orzel, M. Walhout, U. Sterr, P. S. Julienne, and S. L. Rolston, Phys. Rev. A 59, 1926 (1999).
- Time-Resolved Studies of Ultracold Ionizing Collisions, C. Orzel, S. D. Bergeson, S. Kulin, and S. L. Rolston, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 5093 (1998).
- Suppression and Enhancement of Collisions in Optical Lattices, J. Lawall, C. Orzel, and S. L. Rolston, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 480 (1998).
- Ultracold collisions and optical shielding in metastable xenon, K.-A. Suominen, K. Burnett, P. S. Julienne, M. Walhout, U. Sterr, C. Orzel, M. Hoogerland, and S. L. Rolston, Phys. Rev. A 53, 1678 (1996).
- Optical Control of Ultracold Collisions in Metastable Xenon, M. Walhout, U. Sterr, C. Orzel, M. Hoogerland, and S. L. Rolston, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 506 (1995).
Invited Talks
A list of invited talks I have given at conferences and universities, with Web links, where available.
- Squeezed States in a Bose-Einstein Condensate, April 16, 2002, Colgate University Physics Colloquium, Hamilton, NY.
- Squeezed States in a Bose-Einstein Condensate, December 3, 2001, University of Connecticut Physics Colloquium, Storrs, CT.
- Squeezed States in a Bose-Einstein Condensate,May 18, 2001, American Physical Society Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics meeting, London, Ontario, Canada.
- Squeezed States in a Bose-Einstein Condensate, April 13, 2001, Physics Colloquium, Williams College, Williamstown, MA.
- Squeezed States in a Bose-Einstein Condensate, February 8, 2001, Physics Colloquium, Union College, Schenectady, NY.
- Squeezed States in a Bose-Einstein Condensate, January 3, 2001, Atomic Physics Colloquium, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD.
- Squeezed States in a Bose-Einstein Condensate, December 4, 2000, Atomic Physics Colloquium, SUNY Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY.
- Squeezed States in a Bose-Einstein Condensate, October 24, 2000, Center for Ultracold Atoms Seminar, MIT, Cambridge, MA.
- Squeezed States in a Bose-Einstein Condensate, September 12, 2000, CLEO Europe/ IQEC 2000 meeting, Nice, France (in place of M. Kasevich).
- Squeezed States in a Bose-Einstein Condensate, July 18, 2000, LPHYS 2000 meeting, Bordeaux, France.
- Ultra-Cold Ionizing Collisions, March 23, 1999, APS Centennial Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
- Ultra-Cold Collisions and Quantum Statistics September 9, 1998, Williams College Physics Colloquium, Williamstown, MA.
- Time-Resolved Studies of Ultra-Cold Collisions,March 2, 1998, UConn Atomic Physics Colloquium, Storrs, CT.
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Last modified: 17 April, 2002