wan1-340.html Last edited 2002-10-14 for NetHack 3.4.0
Compiled for 3.2.2 by Kevin Hugo.
Updated for 3.4.0 by Dylan O'Donnell <psmith@spod-central.org>.
Converted to HTML by Kate Nepveu <knepveu@steelypips.org>.
light | $100 | 7 | 95 | 15 | NODIR |
nothing | 100 | 7 | 25 | 15 | BEAM |
digging | 150 | 7 | 55 | 8 | RAY |
enlightenment | 150 | 7 | 15 | 15 | NODIR |
locking | 150 | 7 | 25 | 8 | BEAM |
magic missile | 150 | 7 | 50 | 8 | RAY |
make invisible | 150 | 7 | 45 | 8 | BEAM |
opening | 150 | 7 | 25 | 8 | BEAM |
probing | 150 | 7 | 30 | 8 | BEAM |
secret door detection | 150 | 7 | 50 | 15 | NODIR |
slow monster | 150 | 7 | 50 | 8 | BEAM |
speed monster | 150 | 7 | 50 | 8 | BEAM |
striking | 150 | 7 | 75 | 8 | BEAM |
undead turning | 150 | 7 | 50 | 8 | BEAM |
cold | 175 | 7 | 40 | 8 | RAY |
fire | 175 | 7 | 40 | 8 | RAY |
lightning | 175 | 7 | 40 | 8 | RAY |
sleep | 175 | 7 | 50 | 8 | RAY |
cancellation | 200 | 7 | 45 | 8 | BEAM |
create monster | 200 | 7 | 45 | 15 | NODIR |
polymorph | 200 | 7 | 45 | 8 | BEAM |
teleportation | 200 | 7 | 45 | 8 | BEAM |
death | 500 | 7 | 5 | 8 | RAY |
wishing | 500 | 7 | 5 | 3! | NODIR |
Wands are listed above by increasing price, then alphabetically. The COST field denotes the base price of each item. WGT specifies the weight (100 zorkmids weighs 1).
Wands comprise 4% of all randomly-generated items in the main dungeon, 6% in containers, 5% on the Rogue level, and 8% in hell. PROB is the relative probability of each subtype. They appear 1/34 cursed, 16/17 uncursed, and 1/34 blessed.
The CHG field specifies the maximum number of charges that a wand normally has. An exclamation (!) denotes that a wand of wishing may only be recharged once. Wands of wishing start with 1 to 3 charges; otherwise, the wand starts with a number of charges at most 4 less than its maximum.
Each time you (z)ap or (E)ngrave with a wand, you use one charge. A wand with zero charges left has a 1 in 121 chance of wresting a last charge and then turning to dust each time it is zapped (this won't happen if the wand was cancelled but not recharged). Cancelling a wand will make it uncursed and (except for wands of cancellation) it will get zero charges.
Wands may be recharged by scrolls of charging or by the Platinum Yendorian Express Card. Previously-recharged wands have a chance of exploding (up to a maximum of 100% for a 7:x wand or a wand of wishing); see scrl-340.html. A cursed scroll will have no effect on a blessed wand or a wand with no charges; otherwise, "Your <wand> vibrates briefly" and it gets zero charges. An uncursed scroll will bring the number of charges to a random number from 1 to a random number between 5 and the maximum charges shown above (or for a wand of wishing a random number from 1 to 3); a blessed scroll will bring the number of charges in the wand to a random number from 5 to the maximum charges shown above, or for a wand of wishing to three charges. If it already has that number of charges, it gains one more charge. A wand of wishing charged beyond three charges will explode. "Your <wand> <glows/vibrates> briefly." if the new enchantment is below the maximum; "Your <wand> <glows blue/vibrates> for a moment." otherwise.
The TYPE of wand denotes the behavior when it is zapped. NODIR wands do not ask for a direction. BEAM wands ask for a direction, but do not show a visibly animated effect when zapped. RAY wands produce a ray which is animated on the screen; if you are unblind when you zap the wand, you will also identify that type of wand.
The appearances of wands are randomized from the following descriptions:
glass | balsa | crystal | maple | pine |
oak | ebony | marble | tin | brass |
copper | silver | platinum | iridium | zinc |
aluminum | uranium | iron | steel | hexagonal |
short | runed | long | curved | forked |
spiked | jeweled |
Nondirectional wands will be identified if you saw their effect (e.g., you found a secret door with a wand of secret door detection). If the wand produces a visible ray or beam, you will identify the wand if you were unblind. The range of a RAY will be 7 to 13 squares; this range may be lessened by the ray causing effects or bouncing. Zapping a RAY wand upwards or downwards is equivalent to restricting the ray to a range of 1. BEAM wands have a range of 6 to 13 (other than digging), which can similarly be lessened, and will not bounce; they will be identified if you observe an effect caused by them.
Cursed wands have a 1% chance of exploding when zapped; this does 1 to 6 points of damage for each charge in the wand, plus an additional 2 to 12 points of damage, and abuses your strength.
Monsters are not angered by wands of digging, locking, nothing, opening, probing, or undead turning (if not undead and none of their inventory was affected); being zapped with (or missed by) other wands will cause peaceful monsters to become hostile if you were the zapper.
zap monster
Some monsters may resist.
Clay golems are killed
"Some writing vanishes from <monster's> head!"
Weremonsters return to human form.
The monster is cancelled.
zap downwards
Any engraving at the location is removed.
zap object
Object is cancelled.
zap self
All items in your inventory are cancelled.
If you are polymorphed into a clay golem, you revert to your
normal form.
"Some writing vanishes from your head!" (if not blind)
zap monster
The location of the monster is revealed, if unseen.
If monster is cold resistant, no effect.
Otherwise, does 6 to 36 damage. It does an additional 6 to 18
damage if the monster is fire resistant. Some monsters may resist
and take half damage.
Potions in the monster's inventory may be destroyed.
"The bolt of cold rips into the <monster>." (if swallowed)
"The bolt of cold hits the <monster>." (otherwise)
zap self
If you are not cold resistant, does 12 to 72 damage.
"You imitate a popsicle!" (not cold resistant)
"You feel a little chill." (cold resistant)
May freeze potions in your inventory.
zap location
If water, it freezes (except on Plane of Water).
"The water freezes." (normal water, in sight)
"The moat is bridged with ice!" (moat, in sight)
"You hear a crackling sound." (water, out of sight)
"The water freezes for a moment." (Plane of Water, in sight)
"You hear a soft crackling." (Plane of Water, out of sight)
If lava, it solidifies.
"The lava cools and solidifies." (lava, in sight)
If closed door, it is destroyed. The ray is halted.
"The door freezes and shatters!" (in sight)
"You feel cold." (otherwise)
monster zaps you
If you are riding a non-reflective monster, 1/3 chance of hitting
your steed instead. (Effects as "zap monster" above.)
If you are not cold resistant, does 6 to 36 damage.
"You don't feel cold." (cold resistant)
Potions in your inventory may be destroyed.
22/23 chance of creating a monster adjacent to you.
1/23 chance of creating 2 to 8 monsters around you.
monster zaps
Creates a monster adjacent to the monster. If you are both in
water, the monster created will be a giant eel; if it is in water
and you are on land, it will be a crocodile; otherwise the monster
will be random.
zap monster
If monster is Death, his maximum HP are increased by 50% (to a
limit of 999) and he is healed to maximum HP.
If monster is magic resistant, a demon, or non-living, no effect.
Otherwise, kills the monster.
"The death ray rips into the <monster>." (if swallowed)
"The death ray hits the <monster>." (otherwise)
zap location
If closed door, halts ray.
"The door absorbs your bolt!"
zap self
If you are a demon or a non-living monster, no effect.
"The wand shoots an apparently harmless beam at you."
Otherwise, you die.
"You irradiate yourself with pure energy! You die."
monster zaps you
If you are magic resistant or polymorphed into a demon or a
non-living monster, no effect.
"You aren't affected." (magic resistant)
"You seem unaffected." (demon or non-living)
Otherwise, you die.
zap monster
If swallowed by a non-vortex non-elemental, you are expelled and
the monster is reduced to 1 hit point.
"You pierce <monster's> stomach wall!" (if animal)
zap upwards
If not on the Planes of Air or Water or underwater, causes a rock
to fall on your head doing 1 to 6 damage (1 to 2 if wearing a metal
"The beam bounces off the <stairs> and hits the <ceiling>!" (on stairs)
"You loosen a rock from the <ceiling>. It falls on your <head>."
zap downwards
If standing on stairs, same effect as zapping upwards.
If in a pit or another trap on a hard-floored level, or a magic
portal on any level, or phasing within a wall on a level with
non-diggable walls, no effect.
"The <floor> here is too hard to dig in."
If on an altar or throne, no effect.
"The <throne/altar> is too hard to break apart."
If on a sink, turns it into a fountain.
"The pipes break! Water spurts out!"
If on a fountain, creates a number of pools nearby.
"Water gushes forth from the overflowing fountain!" (made at least one)
"Water sprays all over you." (didn't)
If over, on or in water or lava, wakes nearby monsters.
"The <water> sloshes furiously for a moment, then subsides."
If on a lowered drawbridge or its portcullis, it is destroyed. Things in the vicinity are very likely to die.
"The drawbridge collapses into the <moat>!" (if still moat or lava)
"The drawbridge disintegrates!" (if iced or dried up)
"You are blown apart by flying debris." (died standing on portcullis)
"You are hit by a huge chunk of metal!" (died on drawbridge)
If standing on same spot as a boulder, it is destroyed. An existing pit has a 50% chance of just having any spikes removed; otherwise any trap is destroyed.
"The boulder settles into the pit." (existing pit, 50% chance).
"KADOOM! The boulder falls in!" (otherwise)
If on a grave, it is excavated.
"You dig a pit in the grave."
Otherwise, digs a pit if on a hard-floored level, or a hole if not.
"You dig a <pit/hole> in the <floor>."
zap sideways
The range of the digging ray is 8 to 25 squares through open
space. Doors and walls count as 3 spaces; stone as two. If not in a
non-mazelike Dungeon level or the Plane of Earth, the ray will halt
after the first obstacle against which it has taken effect; on
those levels it will continue.
Known, closed doors will be destroyed; secret doors and diggable
walls will be converted into empty doorways; diggable stone into
open corridor spaces.
"The door is razed!" (closed door)
"The wall glows then fades." (undiggable wall)
"The rock glows then fades." (undiggable rock)
monster zaps
If monster is on level 1 upstairs, fountain, throne, sink, grave,
altar or drawbridge, no effect.
"The digging ray is ineffective."
If level has hard floors, no effect.
"The <floor> here is too hard to dig in." (if in sight)
Otherwise, creates a hole and falls through it.
"You hear something crash through the <floor>." (out of sight)
"<Monster> has made a hole in the <floor>.
<Monster> <falls> through..." (otherwise)
Same effect as quaffing an uncursed potion of enlightenment.
zap monster
The location of the monster is revealed, if unseen.
If monster is fire resistant, no effect.
Otherwise, does 6 to 36 damage. It does an additional 7 damage if
the monster is cold resistant.
Some monsters may resist and take half damage.
Flammable armour worn by the monster may be burnt, and flammable
objects in the monster's inventory may be destroyed.
"The bolt of fire rips into the <monster>." (if swallowed)
"The bolt of fire hits the <monster>." (otherwise)
zap location
If ice, it melts.
"The ice crackles and melts." (in sight)
No message (otherwise)
If a pool, evaporates to leave a pit.
"The water evaporates." (in sight)
"You hear hissing gas." (otherwise)
If other water, no effect.
"Some water evaporates." (in sight)
"You hear hissing gas." (otherwise)
If fountain, it dries up.
"Steam billows from the fountain." (in sight)
No message (otherwise).
If closed door, it is destroyed. The ray is halted.
"The door is consumed in flames!" (in sight)
"You smell smoke." (otherwise)
If a web, it burns away.
"A web bursts into flames!" (in sight)
No message (otherwise).
zap object
If scroll or spellbook, may be destroyed. Scrolls of fire,
spellbooks of fireball and the Book of the Dead will resist.
"You see a puff of smoke." (not blind)
"You smell a whiff of smoke." (blind)
zap self
If you are not fire resistant, does 12 to 72 points of damage.
"You've set yourself afire!" (not fire resistant)
"You feel rather warm" (fire resistant)
If polymorphed into an iron golem, restores 12 to 72 hit points and exercises your strength.
"Strangely, you feel better than before."
May cause fire damage to worn armour and destroy flammable items in inventory. Burns away slime.
monster zaps you
If you are riding a non-reflective monster, 1/3 chance of hitting
your steed instead. (Effects as "zap monster" above.)
If you are not fire resistant, does 6 to 36 damage.
"You don't feel hot!" (fire resistant)
If polymorphed into an iron golem, restores 6 to 36 hit points and exercises your strength.
"Strangely, you feel better than before."
May cause fire damage to worn armour and destroy flammable items in inventory. Burns away slime.
Same effect as reading an uncursed scroll of light.
zap monster
The location of the monster is revealed, if unseen.
If not swallowed and monster is not blinding resistant, blinds
monster for 1 to 50 (more) turns (to a maximum of 127 more turns).
If monster is not shock resistant, does 6 to 36 damage.
Some monsters may resist and take half damage.
Rings and wands in the monster's inventory may be destroyed.
"The bolt of lightning rips into the <monster>." (if swallowed)
"The bolt of lightning hits the <monster>." (otherwise)
zap location
If closed door, it is broken. The ray is halted.
"The door splinters!" (in sight)
"You hear crackling." (otherwise)
zap self
If you are not shock resistant, does 12 to 72 damage and abuses
your constitution.
"You shock yourself!" (not shock resistant)
"You zap yourself, but seem unharmed." (shock resistant)
If polymorphed into an iron golem, restores 2 to 12 hit points and exercises your strength.
"Strangely, you feel better than before."
May explode wands and rings in your inventory.
If you do not resist blinding, you are blinded for 1 to 100 turns.
"You are blinded by the flash!"
monster zaps you
If you are riding a non-reflective monster, 1/3 chance of hitting
your steed instead. (Effects as "zap monster" above; you may still
be blinded as below.)
If you are not shock resistant, does 6 to 36 damage and abuses
your constitution.
"You aren't affected." (shock resistant)
If polymorphed into an iron golem, restores 1 to 6 hit points and exercises your strength.
"Strangely, you feel better than before."
May explode wands and rings in your inventory.
If you do not resist blinding, you are blinded for 6 to 300 turns.
"You are blinded by the flash!"
zap downwards
If on a lowered drawbridge or its portcullis, raises drawbridge.
Things in the vicinity are very likely to die.
"You see a drawbridge <coming/going> up!"
"You tumble towards the closed portcullis!" (standing on drawbridge)
"The drawbridge closes in..." (died)
"You pass through it!" (phasing)
"You are crushed by the falling portcullis!" (died standing under portcullis)
If on a trap door, closes and removes the trap door.
"A trap door beneath you closes up then vanishes."
"You see a swirl of <dust> beneath you." (not previously seen)
"You hear a twang followed by a thud." (blind)
Otherwise, no effect.
zap upwards
If on a portcullis, raises the drawbridge as 'zap downwards'
Otherwise, no effect.
zap location
If lowered drawbridge or portcullis, raises drawbridge. Things in
the vicinity are very likely to die.
"You see a drawbridge <coming/going> up!"
If doorway on Rogue level, becomes secret door if clear of obstruction.
"A cloud of dust springs up in the older, more primitive doorway."
"The cloud quickly dissipates." (if obstructed)
"The doorway vanishes!" (otherwise)
If empty doorway with trap, no effect. "A cloud of dust springs up in the doorway, but quickly dissipates."
If an empty doorway, broken door, or open or closed door, becomes locked door.
"A cloud of dust springs up and assembles itself into a door!" (empty)
"The broken door reassembles and locks!" (broken)
"The door swings shut and locks!" (open)
"The door locks!" (closed)
Otherwise, no effect.
zap object
If chest or large box, is locked (and lock mended if broken).
"Klunk!" (if not already locked)
Otherwise, no effect.
zap monster
The location of the monster is revealed, if unseen.
If monster is magic resistant, no effect.
Otherwise, does 2 to 12 damage.
Some monsters may resist and take half damage.
"The magic missile rips into the <monster>." (if swallowed)
"The magic missile hits the <monster>." (otherwise)
zap location
If closed door, halts ray.
"The door absorbs your bolt!"
zap self
If you are magic resistant, no effect.
"The missiles bounce!"
Otherwise, does 4 to 24 damage.
"Idiot! You've shot yourself!"
monster zaps you
If you are riding a non-reflective monster, 1/3 chance of hitting
your steed instead. (Effects as "zap monster" above.)
If you are magic resistant, no effect.
"The missiles bounce off!"
Otherwise, does 2 to 12 damage (1 to 6 if half spell damage) and abuses your strength.
"The magic missile hits you!"
zap monster
If not already invisible, the monster becomes invisible.
"<Monster> turns transparent!" (not already invisible, and you can see invisible or otherwise still sense the monster)
No message. (otherwise, or if swallowed)
zap downwards
Any engraving at the location is removed.
zap object
No effect. (There is stub code for invisible objects, but it is
not yet implemented)
zap self
If you are wearing a mummy wrapping, no effect.
"You feel rather itchy under your <mummy wrapping>."
Otherwise, gain permanent invisibility.
No message (if blind or already invisible)
"Gee! All of a sudden, you can't see yourself." (not hallucinating)
"Gee! All of a sudden, you can see right through yourself." (not hallucinating, see invisible)
"Far out, man! You can't see yourself." (hallucinating)
"Far out, man! You can see right through yourself." (hallucinating, see invisible)
monster zaps itself
Monster becomes invisible.
"Suddenly you cannot see <monster>." (no see invisible)
"<Monster's> body takes on a strange transparency." (not hallucinating, see invisible.)
"<Monster's> body takes on a normal transparency." (hallucinating, see invisible.)
No effect.
zap monster
If you are being swallowed, you are expelled.
"<Monster> opens its mouth!" (animal, not blind)
"You feel a sudden rush of air!" (animal, blind)
If the monster is saddled, the saddle is dropped.
No message.
Otherwise, no effect.
zap downwards
If on Quest home level and not permitted to descend, no effect
(nice try).
"The stairs seem to ripple momentarily."
If phasing through closed portcullis, drawbridge opens.
"You see a drawbridge going down!"
zap upwards
If phasing through closed portcullis, as 'zap downwards'
zap location
If closed drawbridge, it is opened. Anything in its moat square is
quite likely to die.
"You see a drawbridge <coming/going> down!"
"You are crushed underneath the drawbridge." (died)
If secret door, it is revealed (but still closed).
"A door appears in the wall!"
If locked door, it is unlocked (but still closed).
"The door unlocks!"
Otherwise, no effect.
zap object
If iron chain attached to you, it is removed and you become
No message.
If chest or large box, it becomes unlocked, or lock mended if broken.
"Klick!" (if locked)
No message for fixing lock.
Otherwise, no effect.
zap self
No effect.
"Your chain quivers for a moment." (if punished)
zap monster
If the monster is magic resistant or resists, no effect.
Otherwise, 1/25 chance of monster dying from system shock unless
it is a natural shapeshifter.
"<Monster> shudders!"
If no system shock, monster polymorphs into a new form.
No message.
zap downwards
Any engraving at the location is changed into a randomly chosen
zap object
Object may be polymorphed into a new object. Some objects may
zap self
If you are not unchanging, you polymorph into a new form.
monster zaps itself
Monster polymorphs into a new form.
zap monster
The location of the monster is revealed, if unseen.
Shows the status of the monster, and lists its inventory.
zap upwards
No effect.
"You probe towards the <ceiling>. Your probe reveals nothing."
zap downwards
Will zap objects even if buried.
"You probe beneath the <floor>."
zap object
Shows contents of the object, if any, and supplies its appearance
if unknown.
zap self
Shows your status. The appearance of any object in inventory that
has not been seen is supplied.
Secret doors and corridors, non-statue traps, mimics, and hidden
and invisible monsters in an area of radius 8 are revealed.
zap monster
The location of the monster is revealed, if unseen.
If monster is sleep resistant or resists, no effect.
Otherwise, monster falls asleep for 6 to 127 (more) turns (to a
maximum of 127 more turns).
"The sleep ray rips into the <monster>." (if swallowed)
"The sleep ray hits the <monster>." (otherwise)
zap location
If closed door, halts ray.
"The door absorbs your bolt!"
zap self
If you have sleep resistance, no effect.
"You don't feel sleepy!"
Otherwise, fall asleep for 1 to 50 turns.
"The sleep ray hits you!"
monster zaps you
If you are riding a non-reflective monster, 1/3 chance of hitting
your steed instead. (Effects as "zap monster" above.)
If you are not sleep resistant, fall asleep for 6 to 300
"You don't feel sleepy." (sleep resistant)
zap monster
The monster becomes slow, or normal speed if fast. If you are
engulfed by a vortex or air elemental, you are expelled. Some
monsters may resist.
"You disrupt <monster>! A huge hole opens up..." (expelled)
"<Monster> seems to be moving slower." (slowed, not swallowed)
zap self
If you currently have the speed intrinsic, it is lost.
"You slow down" (not wearing speed boots)
"Your quickness feels less natural." (wearing speed boots)
zap monster
The monster becomes fast, or normal speed if slow. Some monsters
may resist.
"<Monster> is suddenly moving faster." (sped up, not swallowed)
zap self
If you don't currently have the speed intrinsic, gain it and
exercise dexterity.
"You speed up." (not very fast)
"Your quickness feels more natural" (very fast)
Otherwise, no effect.
monster zaps itself
The monster becomes fast.
"<Monster> is suddenly moving faster."
zap monster
The location of the monster is revealed, if unseen.
If the monster is magic resistant, no effect.
If monster's AC is less than a random number between -9 and 10, and it is not swallowing you, the strike misses.
"The wand misses <monster>."
Otherwise, does 2 to 24 points of damage (4 to 48 if you are a Knight with the Magic Mirror of Merlin). Some monsters may resist and take half damage. Fragile objects in monster's inventory may be broken, as 'zap object' below.
"The wand hits <monster>."
zap downwards
If on a lowered drawbridge or its portcullis, it is destroyed.
Things in the vicinity are very likely to die.
"The drawbridge collapses into the <moat>!" (if still moat or lava)
"The drawbridge disintegrates!" (if iced or dried up)
"You are blown apart by flying debris." (died standing on portcullis)
"You are hit by a huge chunk of metal!" (died on drawbridge)
Any engraving at the location is corrupted.
zap upwards
If on the portcullis of an open drawbridge, it is destroyed.
Effects as 'zap downwards' above.
Otherwise, if not underwater or on the Quest home level or the
Plane of Air or Water, there is a 2/3 chance of causing a rock to
fall on your head doing 1 to 6 damage (1 to 2 if wearing a metal
"A rock is dislodged from the ceiling and falls on your <head>."
zap location
If drawbridge or its portcullis, it is destroyed. Effects as 'zap
downwards' above.
If secret door or closed door, door is broken, waking nearby
monsters; trapped doors are additionally destroyed, waking slightly
less nearby monsters.
"A door appears in the wall!" (secret door, in sight)
"The door crashes open!" (untrapped, in sight)
"You hear a crashing sound." (untrapped, not in sight)
"KABOOM!! You see a door explode." (trapped, in sight)
"You hear a distant explosion." (trapped, not in sight)
zap object
Statue traps will be activated.
"Instead of shattering, the statue suddenly comes alive!"
Non-trapped statues and boulders will be broken into 8 to 66 rocks.
Breaking a boulder in Sokoban has a -1 penalty to Luck.
No message.
Fragile objects may be broken. Breaking a mirror has -2 penalty to Luck. Breaking your own eggs has a -1 penalty to Luck per egg (to a maximum of 5).
"<object> shatters!" (potion, in sight)
"<object> shatters into a thousand pieces!" (tool, in sight)
"You hear something shatter!" (potion or tool, out of sight)
"Splat!" (egg)
"What a mess!" (cream pie, in sight)
zap self
If you have magic resistance, no effect.
Otherwise, does 2 to 24 points of damage and abuses strength.
"You bash yourself!"
monster zaps you
If you have magic resistance, no effect.
Otherwise, does 2 to 24 points of damage (1 to 12 if half spell damage).
"The wand hits you!"
zap monster
A priest(ess) in his or her temple resists.
"<Monster> resists your magic!"
Riders have a 12/13 chance of being teleported to a square next
to you.
Otherwise, the monster is teleported to a random location on the
same level. If you were engulfed by it, you go with it, unless you
are on a no-teleport level, in which case you cease to be engulfed
and remain at your original location.
"You are no longer inside the <monster>!" (was engulfed on a no-teleport level)
No message (otherwise).
If the monster is unseen and does not move, its location is revealed.
zap downwards
Any engraving on the location will be teleported to a random
position on the same level.
zap object
Rider corpses are immediately revived.
Otherwise, the object is teleported to a random location on the
same level.
zap self
If you are on a non-teleport level, no effect.
"A mysterious force prevents you from teleporting!"
Otherwise, one-third of the time if you are carrying the Amulet of Yendor, no effect.
"You feel disoriented for a moment."
Otherwise, you teleport to a random or controlled position on the same level.
monster zaps itself
If you are on a non-teleport level, no effect.
"A mysterious force prevents <monster> from teleporting!"
Otherwise, the monster is teleported to a random location on the same level.
monster zaps you
[This will only be used if the monster is carrying the Amulet of
Same as 'zap self' above.
zap object
Eggs are rejuvenated.
Corpses are revived. If the corpse has a ghost on the same level,
the ghost is rejoined with the body and the resulting monster is
"<Ghost> is suddenly drawn into its former body!"
No messages otherwise.
zap monster
Corpses in monster's inventory revive (as above), eggs are
rejuvenated. Undead monsters take 1 to 8 points of damage (2 to 16
if you are a Knight with the Magic Mirror of Merlin), their
location is revealed if unseen, and they flee if they do not
No message.
zap self
Corpses in your inventory revive (as above), eggs are rejuvenated.
If you are undead, you are stunned for 1 to 30 (more) turns.
"You feel frightened and stunned." (not already stunned)
"You feel frightened and even more stunned." (already stunned)
Otherwise, no effect.
"You shudder in dread."
You receive a wish unless your luck is less than a random number
between -4 and 0. You may wish for "nothing" if you do not want to
receive anything (thus preserving wishless conduct).
Use the (E)ngrave command to engrave with a wand. It will use one charge (possibly wresting the last) from the wand. Depending on the type of the wand, you can get one of the messages below if you are unblinded, not levitating, and over a writable floor. Some messages are the same for different types of wands, some messages require an engraving already on that square, and some wands will not provide any means of identification this way. Nondirectional wands will act as if they were zapped. If you didn't wrest the last charge from the wand, you can write a message in the dust (or engrave if specified below). These messages provide (perhaps in combination with judicious zapping) a safe method of identifying many wands.
cancellation | If there already is an engraving, it is erased:
"The engraving on the <floor> vanishes!" |
cold | If a burned-in engraving exists, it is erased:
"The engraving on the <floor> vanishes!" After writing in the dust: "A few ice cubes drop from the wand." |
create monster | Same effect as zapping wand. |
death | "The bugs on the <floor> stop moving!"
(Same as sleep.) |
digging | "This <wand> is a wand of digging!"
You can engrave a message. |
enlightenment | Same effect as zapping wand. |
fire | "This <wand> is a wand of fire!"
You can burn a message. |
light | Same effect as zapping wand. |
lightning | "This <wand> is a wand of lightning!"
You can burn a message, and you are blinded for 1 to 50 turns. |
locking | No message. |
magic missile | You can write a message in the dust, after which
"The <floor> is riddled by bullet holes!" |
make invisible | If there already is an engraving, it is erased:
"The engraving on the <floor> vanishes!" |
nothing | Same effect as zapping wand -- no message! |
opening | No message. |
polymorph | If an engraving already exists, it becomes a randomly chosen engraving; otherwise, no message. |
probing | No message. |
secret door detection | Same effect as zapping wand. |
sleep | "The bugs on the <floor> stop moving!"
(Same as death.) |
slow monster | "The bugs on the <floor> slow down!" |
speed monster | "The bugs on the <floor> speed up!" |
striking | "The wand unsuccessfully fights your attempt to write!" |
teleportation | If there already is an engraving, it is teleported:
"The engraving on the <floor> vanishes!" |
undead turning | No message. |
wishing | Same effect as zapping wand. |
Thanks to Bruce Cox for proofreading the original version of
this file.
Further corrections and clarifications provided by Vladimir
Florinski, David Grabiner, Bruce Labbate, Eva Myers, Kate Nepveu,
David Wang, and Gary D. Young.