By Gregory Bond <>
HTML Conversion by Kate Nepveu
$Revision: 1.4 $
$Date: 2001/07/19 01:55:44 $
Please send me any corrections or updates.
This version relates to Nethack v3.3.1, but is probably relevant to most previous versions as this part of the code hasn't changed much in years.
The various spoilers available (such as those maintained by Dylan O'Donnell at show a base cost for all items. But you rarely see those items in the shops for that amount. And knowing the price of unidentified items (such as scrolls, spellbooks and various magic armour) allows you to guess what the item is, or at least narrow down the possibilities, without expending a scroll of identify.
From the base price listed in the spoilers, there are modifiers applied to give a list price, then another set of modifiers applied (depending on buying or selling) to determine the price that each shopkeeper will offer to buy or charge to sell an item. Note that these are all (more-or-less) deterministic; the prices in the shop are not the random numbers they might seem!
These same rules apply to all items in all shops, but of course some shopkeepers are not interested in some types of objects.
Take the base price from the spoiler lists.
If it is food, and you are buying, and you are hungry, cost is 2-4 times base, depending on how just how hungry you are. (Hungry -> 2x, Weak -> 3x, Fainting -> 4x). Half-eaten food costs 0 (but you will be charged the full amount when you take the first bite.)
Completely empty (even the 1-last-charge is used) wands cost 0gp. Such empty wands are created by canceling a wand, or wishing for a wand of wishing, and are identified by having "-1" charges. By contrast, wands with 0 charges left are full list price (because they might be recharged with a scroll of charging).
Uncursed water costs 0; blessed/cursed costs list (100)
Weapons/Armor get +10gp for each positive enchantment. There is no modification for negative enchantment or for rusting/corrosion. So a pair of +1 elven boots will have a list price of 18gp, but -1 elven boots are still 8gp.
Burnt candles are half price.
Then Artifacts cost 25 * base.
[see shk.c:getprice()]
Take the list price calculated as above.
0-cost objects (e.g. uncursed water) cost 5gp.
Un-ID'd glass get the price of an expensive gem (the same gem each time, so the astute can use this to ID glass - see below.) Un-ID'd gems get their list price. Note that glass and gems do not get a random +1/3 added!
For other (non-glass/gem) unID'd objects, randomly 1 in 4 objects will be 33% more expensive. (It is tied to object ID so picking them up and putting them down won't change it - but merging/splitting stacked multiple objects might. Try dropping a cheap one on an expensive one.) So it is possible to see e.g. unID'd light scrolls for 50gp and 66gp in the same shop. And because of this random factor, you might find three different scrolls for 80gp - one of which will be Enchant Weapon with this random extra, the other two will be Enchant Armour and Remove Curse at list. And the Dev Team have carefully arranged the prices of stuff so that lots of things are 1/3 more than other things..... Bastards!
Then there is the "Sucker" markup of +33%. This applies to any Tourist with experience level 15 or lower, or any player with visible Hawaiian/Tee shirt, i.e. without armour or cloak.
Then there is the charisma markups/discounts:
charisma > 18: 50% off
charisma = 18: 33% off
charisma = 16,17: 25% off
charisma = 11-15: list price
charisma = 8-10: +33%
charisma = 6,7: +50%
charisma < 6: +100%
Alas, most non-knight characters are ugly and wind up paying at least 1/3 over list. Almost no-one gets a discount, these shopkeepers are really tight!
Then if it is an artifact, cost is 4 * higher.
Then there is an Angry Shopkeeper markup of +33%.
All these are cumulative.
[See shk.c:get_cost()]
For selling items, it is a bit different.
Take the list price as calculated above.
Tourist with XL<15, or any player with a visible Hawaiian/Tee shirt or wearing Dunce cap: the initial offer is 1/3 list price, else it is 1/2 list price.
For unID'd objects that are not gems/glass, randomly 1 in 4 times the item will sell for 25% less. (Note that this is equivalent to the +1/3 when buying so all the same confusions arise). Unlike the buy case, this is a random chance not tied to the object so if you refuse the offer, pick up the object and drop it again you will probably get a better price.
Unidentified gems/glass ignore the above calculation and are worth a small amount somewhere between 3-8gp each, depending on the shopkeeper and real type. It is possible (with some work) to determine gem type from this info! (See below.) If you know from some other method (e.g. unicorns or sheer ubiquity) that this is almost certainly glass, you can make a few gp from the shopkeeper this way.
Identified glass is (as the name suggests) worthless. Identified gems are treated the same as all other identified objects (i.e. sell for 1/2 list or 1/3 list).
There are no Charisma modifiers on the sell price.
[see shk.c:set_cost()]
Finally, if you are selling to a shopkeeper who has no gold left, he will offer you credit of 90% of the value of the goods sold.
[See shk.c:sellobj() line 2338]
As an aside, throwing an object into a shop will give ownership of that object to the shopkeeper, even if the shopkeeper would not normally buy objects of that class. You can then attempt to buy the object and the shopkeeper will tell you a price. This can be used in the case where you don't have a suitable shop around (e.g. throwing scrolls into an armour shop), but is very expensive because you either lose the item thrown or have to buy it back at whatever the asking price is.
Usually, shopkeepers trade only in gold. But in some circumstances, shopkeepers will extend credit. Credit is used up before gold when "p"aying a shopkeeper for purchased goods. Credit lines are per shopkeeper, so you can't build up a credit balance with one shopkeeper and spend it elsewhere. The only way to turn credit back into gold is to pick up gold from the floor of a shop and "p"ay for it. If there is no gold available, you are out of luck.
The simplest way to establish a line of credit is to drop gold in the shop. The shopkeeper will add this amount to your credit. This can be useful if you have intrinsic teleport but no teleport control. You can "#c"hat to find the price of an object, drop that amount of gold to build up credit, then pick up an object. If you happen to teleport out of the shop at that point, the value of the goods is deducted from your credit and you won't annoy the shopkeeper (and summon the Kops) for stealing.
Credit can also be offered if you attempt to sell something to a shopkeeper who has no more gold left. He will offer you credit for 90% of the value of the goods you are trying to sell.
You can also incur debts to a shopkeeper by using a charge on an unpaid charged item such as a wand, tool or spellbook, or using up an unpaid item such as a scroll, potion or food ration. Breaking the door down or doing similar damage will also incur a debt. This debt cannot be removed by dropping the item and has to be paid in cash. (If you have a credit balance with this shopkeeper when you use the item, the cost will be deducted from your credit immediately and no debt incurred, assuming your level of credit is larger than the debt.)
You can find your debt or credit status by "#chat"ing with the shopkeeper or using the "$" command (if you are on the same level as the shop).
You can use objects in a shop without having paid for them. But such use will incur a debt to the shopkeeper that has to be paid in cash.
For use-once objects such as scrolls or potions, you will be charged the same price as for a purchase. For comestibles, you will be charged the full price on the first bite, and then (if you are interrupted) you are left with a free half-eaten comestible.
For items with limited numbers of uses, such as wands, spellbooks, and certain tools such as the tinning kit, you will be charged for each use. The item remains unpaid and the same price it was before you used up the charge. If using the object causes the object to disappear (e.g. reading a spellbook which crumples to dust) you will be charged the full price. The following table explains the cost of using each charge, as a fraction of the cost to purchase it, depending on the object:
Object fraction of purchase cost ------------------------------------------ any wand 1/4 any spellbook 4/5 magic marker 1/2 oil lamp 1 magic lamp same as oil lamp bag of tricks 1/5 horn of plenty 1/5 can of grease 1/10 potion of oil 1/5 all other tools 1/1 if uncharged, 1/4 if charged
Throwing unpaid projectiles (such as arrows or darts) will incur a debt equivalent to buying the object if the projectile disappears (as usually happens about 1 time in 3 when the projectile hits) or lands outside the shop (which usually requires a hole in the wall).
Using other unpaid objects which are not used up (such as melee weapons or armour) is free.
It is sometimes possible to steal items from shops. In general, this is probably a bad idea, especially for weak or even medium level characters. Stealing from shops causes the shopkeeper to be angry and start attacking you. Shopkeepers are pretty tough opponents and usually have at least one offensive wand. It will also summon the Keystone Kops, which are not too tough individually, but there are a lot of them. And if you are on the MineTown level, the Guards will also be angry.
Killing a shopkeeper or a guard is usually considered murder for human characters.
There are a number of ways to escape from the shop without paying. Perhaps the most obvious is to use a teleport spell, wand or scroll, or intrinsic teleport. Or you can teleport the shopkeeper away with a wand or spell of teleport, or polymorph him (either will make the shopkeeper angry). Of you have a wand of digging or a digging implement you have managed to smuggle into the shop, you can dig out of the shop. It is usually better to dig down rather than through walls, because the shopkeeper will charge you for damaging walls, the walls will be repaired fairly quickly, and shop walls are very tough (but not impossible) to dig through. And digging down (or level teleporting) also gets you away from angry shopkeepers and hoards of Kops. (But beware if you ever visit that level again!) If there is some sort of digging monster on the level (e.g. Umber Hulk, or a Dwarf with a pickaxe), then the monster will occasionally dig through the shop wall offering a means of escape.
You can pacify angry shopkeepers you have stolen from if you meet them and "p"ay them enough gold to cover their losses. (You need to be within 2 squares to pay the shopkeeper if you are not both still in his shop.) This is risky because the shopkeeper may kill you before you get a chance to talk, as they are tough to kill and do a lot of damage. The shopkeeper will then return to his shop. This will also pacify the guards and remove any Kops that are after you.
This can be used to pacify the guards after you have angered them (by accidentally attacking them or being sprung picking locks or drinking from fountains.) This could be considered a bug.
If you die on a shop level with an angry shopkeeper and leave a bones file, the shopkeeper will be returned to his shop. If you then hit the bones file in another game with the same character name, the shopkeeper will remain angry. If you pick up the bones file with another character name, the shopkeeper is no longer angry but still remembers he was robbed.
Clever use of pet dogs or cats can also steal items from shops without causing the shopkeeper to become angry. Make sure your pet is tame and inside the shop, and stand in the doorway. Every so often, the pet will pick up a small, non-cursed object. There is a chance the pet will then drop the object on the square immediately inside the shop door. You can then pick the object up for no cost. This only works for small objects (don't expect your kitten to steal that plate mail for you!) and can be quite tedious. You can train your pet to be a better shoplifter by feeding it a tripe ration as soon as it's dropped something for you (assuming it is a dog or cat).
Gold-loving monsters (such as Orcs) may wander into a shop and pick up gold left on the ground. You can then wait until they get out of the shop and kill them and recover the gold. This can be used to build up unlimited shop credit and hence "steal" eveything in the shop (if you are patient enough). Non-peaceful monsters may also occasionally pick up items in a shop and walk out with them. (They do the same thing outside shops, but are much less likely to pick up an item inside a shop.) You can then kill the monster to recover the item. The chance of that happening depends on the type of item and the monster in question. Magic-users such as orc shamans and gnomish wizards will pick up magic items, and most vaguely-humanoid monsters will pick up weapons, armour, gems and tools. None of these situations will annoy shopkeepers (who apparently trust non-player characters implicitly!)
The tables below show what you can expect to pay/receive for items bought/sold under certain circumstances.
The first table is for buys, and assumes you are not silly enough to go shopping with a Hawaiian shirt visible. Under each Charisma heading there are two prices, one assuming there is no random +1/3 modifier, and the second assuming the modifier is applied (or you are wearing a visible Hawaiian shirt - the effect is the same.)
The second table is for selling to shop keepers. This is much simpler because your charisma has no effect on the deal.
I have included the base price for all the items in the game, but not the base price of all the possible enchanted armour/weapons, so for example +2 elven boots have a list price of 28gp, but you will have to interpolate between two entries in the tables.
You can ask the shopkeeper the price of an item by #chat'ing when you are standing on it. This is the price you will pay to buy it. Then look in the appropriate column under your charisma, and you will know the base cost of the item. Look in both columns, because if unidentified it may have the +1/3 bonus added. This will give you one or two base costs. Then look in the appropriate item spoiler to find out which items cost this amount.
Similarly if you are carrying the item, you can drop it and the shopkeeper will offer you a price. You can refuse his (probably stingy!) offer and pick the item up again with no cost. Use the second table to work out the base cost.
The most important thing to learn is that identify scrolls are so much cheaper than anything else, so any scroll you can buy for less than 50gp is certainly an identify scroll. But there is so much more you can learn:
You are a pretty ugly wizard with Charisma 7. You have a scroll labeled GARVEN DEH in your inventory. You go into Kinnegad's second-hand bookstore and drop the scroll. Kinnegad offers you 25gp for it. You use the second table and see that it probably has a list price of 50gp. You look in the scrl-341.html spoiler and see the only scroll costing 50gp is "light", so you assume this is scroll of light. You pick it up again and "#name" it Light, so that next time you see one you'll know what it is.
You wander around the shop and see a scroll called "VELOX NEB". You "#chat" with Kinnegad and he tells you it costs 120gp. You look in the first table under "Charisma 7" and see the list price might be either 60gp or 80gp. You look again in the scrl-331.txt and see there are 4 scrolls costing either 60gp or 80gp. One of them is a blank scroll, but they are always called "unlabeled" so that's out. So this is probably either Remove Curse or Enchant Armour. But it might also be Enchant Weapon. So you "#name" it something like "+arm/+weap/remcur VELOX" and move on.
You see another scroll labeled TEMOV and it is worth 90gp. The first table tells you that means a list price of either 45gp or 60gp. But scrl-331.txt tells you there are no scrolls with list price of 45gp, and only 1 with list of 60gp, so this must be Enchant Weapon. You can "#name" it "+weapon" or similar. And by elimination, you can rename the previous one to "+arm/remcur VELOX", having already identified the Enchant Weapon scroll.
On the next level, you find Boyabai's armour shop. He has some interesting gear, including a tattered cape worth 90gp. A look in table 1 shows a list price of 60gp, so (by looking in armr-341.html) it is either invisibility or magic resistance, so you name it "invis/mr". Once you can be sure it is uncursed (either because a pet stands on it or you buy it and take it to an altar) you can try it on. Invisibility is obvious, if you are not invisible, rename it "magicres".
Boyabai also has some jungle boots worth 60. Table 1 says list is either 30 or 40. The armr-331.txt file says they must be either levitation or fumbling. Either way they'll probably be cursed so don't try them on!
And a hard example I hit in a game this week: A pair of snow boots costing 57gp. A look in table 1 shows this is not in the "Charisma 7" column, but is somewhere between 35 and 40gp, or perhaps between 25 and 30 gp if there is the random +1/3 markup. Doing the numbers (using integer arithmetic!) shows that 57 = 38*3/2, but 28*3/2*4/3 = 56. So the list cost for this item is 38gp. In armr-331.txt there are no boots worth 38gp, nor 28gp or 18gp, but there are boots worth 8gp. So these are +3 boots, either elven or kicking. And, because they have positive enchantment, will be uncursed and safe to wear (unless they were sold to the shopkeeper by another player who is now a ghost on this level!) Put them on and see if you are suddenly quiet (make sure you are not wearing an elven cloak first - and if you have intrinsic stealth, too bad). If so, they are elven boots. Else, they must be kicking boots.
Buying unidentified glass will be charged at the same rate as a specific real gem, according to the list below. Note that there is no random 1/3 loading for unidentified glass.
Glass Type Charged as Color Cost ----------------------------------------------------------------- worthless piece of white glass opal white 800 worthless piece of blue glass chrysoberyl yellow 700 worthless piece of red glass garnet red 700 worthless piece of yellowish brown glass amethyst violet 600 worthless piece of orange glass jasper red 500 worthless piece of yellow glass fluorite * 400 worthless piece of black glass obsidian black 200 worthless piece of green glass agate orange 200 worthless piece of violet glass jade green 300 *: Flourite can be violet (50% of games), white (25%) or green (25%)
Buying un-ID'd gems will be charged at list price (with no random +1/3 loading.)
So if Mr Asidonhopo charges you a list price (after Charisma adjustment) of 200gp for a green gem, you know it is green glass because only agate and obsidian are 200gp and they are not green.
Alas this doesn't work for white or red glass (which are indistinguishable from opal and garnet respectively) :<
[Thanks to J. Ali Harlow (<>), he of Slash'EM fame, for his comments that pushed me into exploring this area!]
[This section and the next section may cover what is referred to in the official DevTeam spoiler bugs list as
SC331-16 | it's possible to tell glass from gems in a shop | fixed in next release
so this information may change. And you (or others) might consider using this information and technique as some sort of cheating in the mean time. It's up to you.]
Unidentified glass and gems sell for a small amount (3-8gp), depending on the gem/glass type and shopkeeper. With a bit of work, and a known-but-unidentified gem, this can be used to identify the gem/glass in your possession. By "known-but-unidentified" I mean you are fairly sure what it is, but have not yet had it identified by the game. This might be because it is a hard red gem (and hence must be Ruby), or because you have collected 15 of them (which will mean it is probably glass.)
This is based on an internal variable for each shopkeeper that is either 0, 1 or 2. This number is assigned when the shopkeeper is generated and is constant for the life of the game, even over save/restores. You cannot know this number directly, you must infer it from the use of a known-but-unidentified gem/glass. (For the source divers, this is "shkp->m_id % 3", see shk.c:set_cost(), line 1724 in the 3.3.1 source).
The selling price per gem/glass for each value of the shopkeeper ID is tabulated below. (This table also contains the "list price" when buying unidentified glass).
Sell For Base SHKID Buy Gem Color Mohs Hrd? Cost 0 1 2 For --------------------------------------------------------------------------- dilithium crystal white 5 Soft 4500 8 7 4 diamond white 10 Hard 4000 3 3 5 ruby red 9 Hard 3500 4 4 6 jacinth orange 9 Hard 3250 5 5 3 sapphire blue 9 Hard 3000 6 6 4 black opal black 8 Hard 2500 7 7 5 emerald green 8 Hard 2500 8 3 6 turquoise green/blue * 6 Soft 2000 3 4 3 citrine yellow 6 Soft 1500 4 5 4 aquamarine green/blue * 8 Hard 1500 5 6 5 amber yellowish brown 2 Soft 1000 6 7 6 topaz yellowish brown 8 Hard 900 7 3 3 jet black 7 Soft 850 8 4 4 opal white 6 Soft 800 3 5 5 chrysoberyl yellow 5 Soft 700 4 6 6 garnet red 7 Soft 700 5 7 3 amethyst violet 7 Soft 600 6 3 4 jasper red 7 Soft 500 7 4 5 fluorite viol/wht/grn * 4 Soft 400 8 5 6 obsidian black 6 Soft 200 3 6 3 agate orange 6 Soft 200 4 7 4 jade green 6 Soft 300 5 3 5 white glass white 5 Soft 0 6 4 6 800 blue glass blue 5 Soft 0 7 5 3 700 red glass red 5 Soft 0 8 6 4 700 yellowish brown gl yellowish brown 5 Soft 0 3 7 5 600 orange glass orange 5 Soft 0 4 3 6 500 yellow glass yellow 5 Soft 0 5 4 3 400 black glass black 5 Soft 0 6 5 4 200 green glass green 5 Soft 0 7 6 5 200 violet glass violet 5 Soft 0 8 7 6 300 *: Both turquoise and aquamarine can be either green or blue. For each game, each gem is randomly assigned one color (for the whole game). Similarly for Fluorite, which is either violet(50%), white (25%) or green (25%).
[NB: This table was compiled for 3.3.1 with all (and only!) default options compiled in. It will probably also hold for 3.3.0. Other versions, and in particular undefining things like TOURIST, MAIL, STEED or KOPS when building the binary, will give different answers! If you have hacked your source, check include/onames.h and verify that dilithium crystal has an OID of 389 and violet glass is 419. If these OIDs are correct, the above table will be correct.]
(Mohs is a measure of gem hardness. A gem with hardness >= 8mhos is considered "hard" by the game and will engrave in the ground rather than write in the dust when used to "E"ngrave something.)
[See also the gems-341.html spoiler for other methods of identifying gems.]
First, you need to collect your "test" gem - which you are pretty sure you know what it is, but you haven't yet identified it with an identify spell. White glass is a poor choice because if you are offered 6gp you don't know whether this is ID=0 or ID=2. Offer to sell it to the shopkeeper, then use the table above to work out the shopkeeper ID. You can then drop other unidentified gems and using the same shopkeeper ID and the color, work out which gem/glass it might be. Note that in many cases, there are a couple of possible gems that have the same color/price/hardness triple.
For example, you have collected a bunch of gems from the mines and have arrived at Wonotobo's General Store in Minetown. In your possession you have 8 soft green gems, 2 different soft green gems, 7 soft red gems, and 2 soft black gems and a soft yellow gem. You assume that the 8 soft green gems are glass. You drop one and Wonotobo offers you 7gp. Using the table above, you then assume Mr. Wonotobo's SHKID is 0. So you then drop one of the other green gems and are offered 3gp. This will be a turquoise, and all turquoise gems in this game are going to be green. You drop a red gem and are offered 8gp, which confirms this as red glass (not a surprise seeing they are so plentiful). You are also offered 8gp for the black gem, so this must be jet. The yellow gem is worth 4, So this might be either citrine or chrysoberyl. You can try again with another shopkeeper who might have a different SHKID to distinguish between these cases.
Shopkeeper Sell Prices Costs are (without, with) random +1/3 bonus Base Charisma Cost <6 6,7 8-10 11-15 16-17 18 >18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2, 2 1, 1 1, 1 1, 1 1, 1 1, 1 0, 0 2 4, 4 3, 3 2, 2 2, 2 2, 2 2, 2 1, 1 3 6, 8 4, 6 4, 5 3, 4 3, 3 2, 3 1, 2 4 8, 10 6, 7 5, 6 4, 5 3, 4 3, 4 2, 2 5 10, 12 7, 9 6, 8 5, 6 4, 5 4, 4 2, 3 6 12, 16 9, 12 8, 10 6, 8 5, 6 4, 6 3, 4 7 14, 18 10, 13 9, 12 7, 9 6, 7 5, 6 3, 4 8 16, 20 12, 15 10, 13 8, 10 6, 8 6, 7 4, 5 9 18, 24 13, 18 12, 16 9, 12 7, 9 6, 8 4, 6 10 20, 26 15, 19 13, 17 10, 13 8, 10 7, 9 5, 6 12 24, 32 18, 24 16, 21 12, 16 9, 12 8, 11 6, 8 15 30, 40 22, 30 20, 26 15, 20 12, 15 10, 14 7, 10 16 32, 42 24, 31 21, 28 16, 21 12, 16 11, 14 8, 10 17 34, 44 25, 33 22, 29 17, 22 13, 17 12, 15 8, 11 20 40, 52 30, 39 26, 34 20, 26 15, 20 14, 18 10, 13 25 50, 66 37, 49 33, 44 25, 33 19, 25 17, 22 12, 16 30 60, 80 45, 60 40, 53 30, 40 23, 30 20, 27 15, 20 35 70, 92 52, 69 46, 61 35, 46 27, 35 24, 31 17, 23 40 80, 106 60, 79 53, 70 40, 53 30, 40 27, 36 20, 26 45 90, 120 67, 90 60, 80 45, 60 34, 45 30, 40 22, 30 50 100, 132 75, 99 66, 88 50, 66 38, 50 34, 44 25, 33 60 120, 160 90, 120 80, 106 60, 80 45, 60 40, 54 30, 40 75 150, 200 112, 150 100, 133 75, 100 57, 75 50, 67 37, 50 80 160, 212 120, 159 106, 141 80, 106 60, 80 54, 71 40, 53 100 200, 266 150, 199 133, 177 100, 133 75, 100 67, 89 50, 66 105 210, 280 157, 210 140, 186 105, 140 79, 105 70, 94 52, 70 150 300, 400 225, 300 200, 266 150, 200 113, 150 100, 134 75, 100 175 350, 466 262, 349 233, 310 175, 233 132, 175 117, 156 87, 116 200 400, 532 300, 399 266, 354 200, 266 150, 200 134, 178 100, 133 240 480, 640 360, 480 320, 426 240, 320 180, 240 160, 214 120, 160 250 500, 666 375, 499 333, 444 250, 333 188, 250 167, 222 125, 166 300 600, 800 450, 600 400, 533 300, 400 225, 300 200, 267 150, 200 400 800,1066 600, 799 533, 710 400, 533 300, 400 267, 356 200, 266 500 1000,1332 750, 999 666, 888 500, 666 375, 500 334, 444 250, 333 600 1200,1600 900,1200 800,1066 600, 800 450, 600 400, 534 300, 400 700 1400,1866 1050,1399 933,1244 700, 933 525, 700 467, 622 350, 466 800 1600,2132 1200,1599 1066,1421 800,1066 600, 800 534, 711 400, 533 900 1800,2400 1350,1800 1200,1600 900,1200 675, 900 600, 800 450, 600 1200 2400,3200 1800,2400 1600,2133 1200,1600 900,1200 800,1067 600, 800 Shopkeeper Buy Prices Costs are (without, with) random -1/4 bonus Base Cost Tourist/Shirt/Duncecap Otherwise ------------------------------------------------ 1 0, 0 0, 0 2 0, 0 1, 1 3 1, 1 1, 1 4 1, 1 2, 2 5 1, 1 2, 2 6 2, 2 3, 3 7 2, 2 3, 3 8 2, 2 4, 3 9 3, 3 4, 3 10 3, 3 5, 4 12 4, 3 6, 5 15 5, 4 7, 6 16 5, 4 8, 6 17 5, 4 8, 6 20 6, 5 10, 8 25 8, 6 12, 9 30 10, 8 15, 12 35 11, 9 17, 13 40 13, 10 20, 15 45 15, 12 22, 17 50 16, 12 25, 19 60 20, 15 30, 23 75 25, 19 37, 28 80 26, 20 40, 30 100 33, 25 50, 38 105 35, 27 52, 39 150 50, 38 75, 57 175 58, 44 87, 66 200 66, 50 100, 75 240 80, 60 120, 90 250 83, 63 125, 94 300 100, 75 150, 113 400 133, 100 200, 150 500 166, 125 250, 188 600 200, 150 300, 225 700 233, 175 350, 263 800 266, 200 400, 300 900 300, 225 450, 338 1200 400, 300 600, 450
2000/11/30 1.1 released
2000/11/30 some comments from Kate Nepveu <> Detabify so tables work better.
2001/01/09 Selling un-ID'd gems added (thanks to J. Ali Harlow <>
2001/01/10 Note about the selling GEMS table being dependent on compile options, and notes about variable gem colors
2001/01/19 1.3 released
2001/06/04 Additions about credit, debts and stealing, prompted
by Karsten Sperling <>
Notes about using unpaid wand charges etc
Note that ID'ing gems by selling is marked as a bug (Kate Nepveu).
Note on throwing objects into shops (after David Damerell)
2001/07/02 Note about Orcs (etc) picking up gold and other objects from shops (James Killmond)
2001/07/19 1.4 released