Adams, Douglas: Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, The; Restaurant at the End of the Universe; Life, the Universe, and Everything; So Long and Thanks for All the Fish (audio)
Doyle, Debra, and James D. Macdonald: (02) Starpilot’s Grave; (03) By Honor Betray’d; (05) The Long Hunt
Lee, Sharon, and Steve Miller: (01-03) Partners in Necessity (omnibus of Conflict of Honors; Agent of Change; Carpe Diem)
Rowling, J.K.: (01-02) Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (audio)
Snicket, Lemony: (04-06) The Miserable Mill (audio); The Austere Academy (audio); The Ersatz Elevator
White, James: (01-03) Beginning Operations (omnibus of Hospital Station; Star Surgeon; Major Operation)
Wrede, Patricia C., and Caroline Stevermer: (01) Sorcery and Cecelia, or, the Enchanted Chocolate Pot