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Uncertain Principles

Physics, Politics, Pop Culture

Friday, May 09, 2003

Weblogs Saved My Life!

Just the other day, I was marking a big pile of lab reports, and lamenting the fact that while I can recognize well-written English prose, I can't really give proper descriptions of a lot of common errors, nor can I really articulate the rules underlying some of the odder points of English. (Specifically, I was having trouble with the rules regarding articles (definite and otherwise) in English, and when it's ok to leave them out.) All I can do is say "That's not quite right," and provide an example of how I would have written it.

"What I need," I didn't actually think to myself, "Is a giant grammar website with detailed descriptions of all the major rules of grammar, and examples of how to apply them."

And lo! Teresa Nielsen Hayden provided just the link I was looking for...

I may be adding hyperlinks to the comments on the next round of labs...

Posted at 9:44 PM | link | follow-ups |