Physics for Poets
A few other physics-related notes:
Via Electrolite's sidebar, we have McSweeney's presentation of Physical Theories as Women:
1. Electrodynamics is your college girlfriend. Pretty complex, you probably won't date long enough to really understand her.
2. Special relativity is the girl you meet at the dorm party while you're dating electrodynamics. You make out. It's not really cheating because it's not like you call her back. But you have a sneaking suspicion she knows electrodynamics and told her everything.
On a more serious note, Michael Nielsen has posted his essay on Principles of Effective Research as a single long post (he's been serializing it for the last month or so). I don't have anything constructive to add, so I'll just say "Read the whole thing," in keeping with blogger practice.
And finally, on the "revolutionary discovery" front, Lloyd Schumner has a bombshell:
Gemini: (May 21—June 21)Your belief that God does not play dice with the universe will be tested by the discovery of a 10,000-mile-long craps table on Jupiter.
Roll over, Albert Einstein, and tell Pierre Laplace the news.
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