As more people read this site than my booklog, I'll note here that I've posted some lukewarm comments on Locus's recommendations for 2004 books. Think of this post as the Law and Order episode where Richard Belzer inexplicably pops in from Homicide (which was a much better show).
On the subject of books, though, has anyone read any Jon Courtenay Grimwood? I waffled for a while last week about whether to buy one of his books, as his is a name that UK-based reviewers like to throw around. I ended up not getting it (and can't recall the title), but general comments would be welcome.
And while I'm ragging on Locus, here's one of the most stubbornly un-parse-able review sentences I've ever encountered, from Damien Broderick's review of The Year of Our War:
On its British release in April 2004, commentators noted at once that in tone and logic it is remarkably structured backwards, with shambly divagations and amusing or piquant asides.
I can't seem to make that resolve into anything that makes sense, and for some reason that really bugs me. I just thought I'd mention that.
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