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Uncertain Principles

Physics, Politics, Pop Culture

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Because Reality Isn't Boring Enough

When I come downstairs for breakfast in the morning, I usually turn on ESPN's SportsCenter loop. I like to have some sort of background noise more or less all the time (it's probably an extrovert thing), and I like sports highlights, so it works pretty well.

This morning, for the third or fourth day running, they were running a "simulated press conference" (I'd link to something, but a site search returns "There are no articles on 'simulated press conference' on"). Some guy named Steve Phillips was up on a podium pretending to be the GM of some boring baseball team or another, and a whole host of minor ESPN personalities were pretending to be reporters asking him questions, which he pretended to answer with a big stack of sports cliches.

What in hell is this crap? Sports press conferences are just about the most useless thing in the world when they're real (unless Bob Knight is involved). What mental defective decided that we needed fake sports press conferences?

I think I may need to find a new source of background noise during breakfast.

If you'd like soms livelier unreality, by the way, there's a string theory catfight going on in the comments over at Cosmic Variance. I was going to post something serious about this when I first saw it, but I was busy with other things, and the comments very quickly degenerated to the point where I don't really want to be associated with any of the partisans. A pox on all their houses. And the hotels, top hat, and little dog, too.

Posted at 9:12 AM | link | follow-ups |