Gabaldon, Diana: (103) Voyager

Completed the re-read of the third of Gabaldon’s Outlander series, Voyager. This catches us up on what Jamie and Claire did after they separated, Jamie intending to die on the field of Culloden and Claire going back to the 20th century to bear their child. (I like this bit particularly because we get to see one of my favorite characters, Lord John Grey, at some length).

This volume also includes Claire & Jamie’s reunion, which I think is done pretty well. I have a couple of minor quibbles—Jamie gets them all out of trouble one time, and it’s never explained how he was able to—but there’s a lot of good bits (“Never smile at a crocodile”) and I like how the ending comes full circle while being new again.

Since I’m reading pretty slowly because I’ve been busy with other things, hopefully I’ll finish my re-read of the fourth just as Amazon delivers the new volume to my door^Wpost office box . . .

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