Viva Las Vegas
Kate and I are off to Las Vegas to spend the weekend with a bunch of friends. Cleverly, this has been scheduled for a week before we close on the house that we're buying, meaning that we really can't spend any money while we're there, as we have to hold back cash in case the bank suddenly decides to require meteorite impact insurance for $10 more than we have in the checking account at that moment...
As a result, there won't be any blogging here for a few days. Of course, my absence needn't require you to refrain from wasting time on the web-- if you find yourself in need of a time sink, you could try:
- This article about new developments in quantum computing, which is helpfully discussed here. (Via SciTech Daily)
- An interesting article about why books cost so damn much, a topic which causes some consternation at this time of year... I can't vouch for the absolute accuracy of the piece, but it doesn't seem to contradict what I've heard from the local authority on such matters. (Via Blog of a Book Slut, which contains many other wonderful distractions...)
- This Bleat by James Lileks, which encapsulates everything that I find frustrating about him in one handy post: the bits about Christmas trees ("Trees. It’s so easy to mess with their minds, it’s not even fair.") and mobile phone services ("And please: give it a name that sounds like brand- name: Kumquat, or IceCube, or Whistler. Something that people can convert to hipster shorthand: wait a minute, gotta grab my Quat.") are great, and then it veers off into kookery with the whole "How long until America is hit by European terrorists?" thing, which is just stupid. See also Friday's Bleat, which squanders a really nice image ("I’m picturing Jesus outside the Temple, waving a placard: VERILY VERILY LO LO, MONEYCHANGERS HAVE TO GO.").
- Or, returning to the whole "shrine to the ego" aspect of this weblog, there are three new books listed over on The Library of Babel, which you could go read...
Anyway, you're bright people, with web access. I'm sure you can find a way to pass the time...
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