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Uncertain Principles

Physics, Politics, Pop Culture

Thursday, December 04, 2003

Spam of the Week

Back at the DC blogfest I attended, Matthew Yglesias was bragging about topping the Google search results for his first name, despite competing with Matthew Sweet, Matthew Shepherd, and a book of the Bible.

I'm nowhere near as prominent. Though I do top the search results for my surname, I have the disadvantage of sharing my first name with an African nation. That's a little hard to compete with.

It never occurred to me, though, that I might be able to make that work for me. Until, that is, I checked my email today:

am contacting you to invite you to list your site into our regional directory [address deleted because I don't link to spammers], under "Chad" section. Our goal is to create a relevant regional directory for Chad. We have prepared a simple submission page and your link will be up in maximum 24 hours.

Thank you, Mr. Anonymous Spammer Dude. It's only a matter of time before the hits come flooding in, and my traffic rivals Matt's. I'm not sure exactly how my reviews of various genre fiction novels will help misguided vacationers, invading Lybians, or whoever else wants to read about the Republic of Me on the web, but maybe it'll give them some ideas of what to read on the flight to N'Djamena.

Posted at 8:34 PM | link | follow-ups |