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Uncertain Principles

Physics, Politics, Pop Culture

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

I Got Your Job Skills Right Here

The Chronicle of Higher Education, sadly, is as prone to ginning up fake controversy as any other publication out there, and has hit on a doozy this week, with an article by Bill Coplin moaning about how colleges and universities don't teach "job skills" (the URL is to a free-with-email reference version of the story, which was sent to me by a colleague. I don't know if it'll work for other people, but the article is aggressicely stupid enough that I'm happy to try an end run around their paywall...).

Were I not on vacation, and de-stressing, I would probably work myself up to a rant about this. I already sort of know how it would go, complete with cheesey 80's pop-culture reference (to The Karate Kid, for those who care). But I'm on vacation, damn it, and I'm trying to de-stress, and this isn't helping.

Happily, PZ Myers does a nice job of shredding it for me. I may expand on the Karate Kid aspect at some later time, but for now, go read him.

Posted at 6:42 PM | link | follow-ups |