A Musical Question
So, there's this act called "The Streets," which is really one gawky British guy sort-of-rapping. What's up with that?
I mean, why is this clown getting radio airplay, from "alternative" stations, no less? His "songs" marry plodding, uninteresting beats ("Fit But You Know It" would have the most crashingly dull hook of the year, were it not for the existence of Lenny Kravitz's "Lady") to obscure and unintersting British slang, and wraps the whole thing in a "Wot you fink about dat?" accent that's just this side of Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins.
To top it all off, he's really not even rapping. I mean, I'm not the biggest rap fan you'll ever meet, but I do recognize that there's some talent to what people like Eminem do-- there's a rhythm and a flow to the delivery that requires some skill to pull off.
Not this jackass, though. I swear, he's just talking over a lame and repetitive beat. There's nothing the least bit skillful about his performance-- the lyrics, such as they are, are just spoken flatly.
This is utter crap, from beginning to end. And yet, it gets played at least once a day on both of the alternative stations I listen to. What am I missing here?
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